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Generic Destinations

Generic Pixel

The browser activation responds to Activation Requests with pixel-based activations.

It requires you to define a list of Activated Parameters and a Templated data transfer URL which configures where the pixel request will be issued. This URL is a template where you can define how the data should be interpolated in the URL. Optionally, specify a Data transfer fallback URL to use in case there are no parameters to send.

Generic HTML

Similar to a Generic Pixel but responds with fully-configurable HTML code activation.

It requires you to define a list of Activated Parameters and a Templated body HTML field.

Generic Webhook

Webhook activations will make a real-time HTTP request to a third party service.

It requires you to define a list of Activated Parameters and allows configuring the http method, headers, endpoint and body. The last two are Templated Fields.

Additionally, this destination can select which User IDs (associated to the User Profile) to activate simultaneously.

Generic File Drop

File drop activations are accumulated in the CDP side and periodically written in in a compressed file in a S3 Bucket in the AWS account that hosts the CDP, to a SFTP server, or to a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

  • S3: Third parties that consume these file-based activations should be provided read access to the S3 bucket prefix, using the credentials generated by the CDP. By default, the bucket is s3://adstax-<client>-partner-activations and the files are exported under a folder with the same name as the destination ID.

  • SFTP: To configure this file drop, the host, port, path, username and password/ssh_key will need to be provided. Files are exported to the given path.

  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket: To configure this file drop, you will need to provide the bucket you want to upload to and the base path, but also the required credentials to access it, the project id, the client email and the private key. You can obtain these credentials by creating a service account, creating a key file, and getting the required fields from the generated JSON file. Similarly to the sftp destination, files are exported to the configured path.

The files are named using the user ID type activated, the file format, and the timestamp at which they were written. As described above, for S3 file drops, each file drop activation has its path prefix, identified by the destination key. In contrast, file drops for the SFTP and Google Cloud Storage Bucket destinations are performed under the configured path. For example, for a S3 file drop destination with id "dest1" exporting a CSV with email data, the file will be stored in s3://adstax-<client>-partner-activations/dest1/email_sha256_2020-01-01_23-45.csv.gz. For a SFTP or Google Cloud Storage Bucket destination, the exported data will be available in the configured SFTP server and GCS Bucket under <path>/email_sha256_2020-01-01_23-45.csv.gz.

Additionally, the exported file format can be selected (csv, tsv and json lines) together with the periodicity of the exports.

Finally, this destination can select which User IDs (associated to the User Profile) to activate.

For more details about on how to interpolate your segments in the URL see Templated Fields.