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A Trigger is the entry point for an activation request to Kevel Audience. It holds the basic activation configurations, as well as the list of Destinations that should be triggered on an Activation request.

There are three types of triggers: reactive, scheduled, and user update.

  • A reactive trigger will activate users based on a realtime request, typically generated from an user's browser;
  • A scheduled trigger will activate users based on a schedule and can only be associated with Destinations that support offline activations.
  • A user update trigger activates users upon updates to their attributes originating from tracking activity or data imports. Just like scheduled triggers, they can only be linked to destinations that support offline activations.

Activation Triggers can be configured using the Dashboard under Activate > Triggers, by clicking on the New Trigger button.

dashboard new trigger

Reactive Triggers

While creating a new reactive triggers, the following fields are available:

  • Name: Name for the Trigger.
  • ID: The key or ID that identifies this trigger. It is used later to issue requests for this specific trigger.
  • Active: Enables or disables the trigger. A disabled trigger does not provide responses for activation requests.
  • Enabled Destinations: The list of Destinations to activation on request.
  • Activate on Match Requests: Defines if this trigger should fire when a match request is issued.
  • Browser Cache Duration: Defines the period that a browser should cache the response.
  • Referrer Validation Domains: If enabled, evaluates the referrer domain, only responding when the request is issued from a website of a valid referrer.
  • Redirect Activation Strategy: Defines the destination to be triggered when a redirect activation is requested. Since the browser can only redirect the client to one location, redirects can either be configured to point to a specific destination or choose a random destination for each request.

After creating the trigger, you can use the Setup JS Tag button to get the JavaScript code that executes the trigger.

Scheduled Triggers

For scheduled triggers, the following fields are configurable:

  • Name: Name for the Trigger.
  • ID: The key or ID that identifies this trigger. It is used later to issue requests for this specific trigger.
  • Active: Enables or disables the trigger. A disabled trigger does not provide responses for activation requests.
  • Enabled Destinations: The list of Destinations to activation on request. For scheduled triggers, the destinations you can select are restricted to the ones that support offline activations.
  • Triggering schedule: The schedule on which to activate users.

Kevel Audience evaluates every hour if there are scheduled triggers pending execution. A recently created trigger should execute on the hours following its creation. As the schedule is assessed at the date level, ignoring time, triggers typically execute on the first hours of the day, once the configured number of days since the previous execution has passed.

If a trigger is disabled and re-enabled, and enough days have passed since the last execution, it will run in the hours after being re-enabled and then repeat on the configured schedule.

Scheduled triggers rely on the time at which the trigger last completed, and not begun, to decide when to run again.

User Update Triggers

Users update triggers do not have any specific configurable behaviours, requiring only:

  • Name: Name for the Trigger.
  • ID: The key or ID that identifies this trigger. It is used later to issue requests for this specific trigger.
  • Active: Enables or disables the trigger. A disabled trigger does not provide responses for activation requests.
  • Enabled Destinations: The list of Destinations to activation on request. For scheduled triggers, the destinations you can select are restricted to the ones that support offline activations.

Any user upon an attribute update resulting from a tracking event or data import, containing whether user data or orders, will be activated for the destinations associated with this trigger. This way, it is possible to propagate user activity to any external platform after the profile update.