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Export your CRM data and import them into the CDP. Please note that attributes imported through files typically take 4 hours to be available in the Segment Builder UI and in the Custom Attributes UI.

User data is in nature unique to each business, and hence we do not enforce any schema or perform any validation. However, to leverage some helpers in the Audience UI, we have a recommendation related to demographic user attributes.

Use cases
  • Import CRM data to use in activations;
  • Complement the users' profile with their CRM data.

We automatically lowercase the following User IDs from the default ID Types list:

Additionally, if a transformation is required for any ID type before being imported (for example hashing plaintext emails), we also lowercase and trim the original ID before transforming it.

We support importing CRM data from different Sources.

File and Folder Sources

The following formats are supported:

Supported schemas

The import will import every field as a custom User Attribute of the User Profile. Some notes:

  • The file must have at least one field which identifies the user (See User Identifiers). You can select which field contains the User ID and the associated User ID type.
  • By default, the attribute merge strategy is merge, which means the imported attributes will be merged with the existing attributes so that non-imported attributes remain unaffected in the User Profile.
  • All attributes will be imported as text if a CSV file is imported. This restricts the ability to segment the user using numeric rules (e.g., numberOfOrders > 20 won't work). As a workaround, you can apply castTo transformations to known numeric fields. The attributes will use the original JSON types if a JSON-lines file is imported.

E-goi Contacts Source

This third-party integration loads user data from an E-goi Contact List and imports it as attributes and user IDs. If the contact information contains an email, it will be transformed into sha256 representation and merged into any existing profiles. The E-goi contact ID is also imported and allows you to use the E-goi Destination, which will use that ID to attach tags to activated users.

To configure this import you should first select E-goi Contacts from the Source Type dropdown and then provide an E-goi API key with permissions to List All Contacts and Get My Account Info, as well as the List ID from which you want to download and import contact data. If you want to import only a subset of Contacts from that List that belong to a given Segment, you may fill in the Segment Id input. Otherwise, you may leave that field empty.

An API key can be created in your Integrations dashboard by choosing to Create a New Key and make sure the necessary permissions are selected:

Where to create an API key in E-goi

The set of required permissions are the following:

  • Get all contacts
  • Get all contacts by segment
  • Get my account info

The list id can be taken from your E-goi dashboard and should be the numeric ID before its title:

Where to retrieve the List ID in E-goi

The segment id can be taken from you List view on the E-goi dashboard, and should correspond to the numeric value that prefixes the segment name:

Where to retrieve the Segment ID in E-goi

Notice that the user import from this type of Source does not allow you to specify any transformations.

E-goi Attribute Mapping

This source imports a subset of the available E-goi Contact fields, and maps them either to CDP user IDs or to user attributes. User attributes are mapped from E-goi original fields using the egoi.account<ACCOUNT-ID>.list<LIST-ID>.<E-GOI-ATTRIBUTE> format. <ACCOUNT-ID> is the E-goi account ID to which the provided API key refers to and is automatically determined, so you don't have to provide it explicitly. <LIST-ID> corresponds to the List ID provided in the form and <E-GOI-ATTRIBUTE> corresponds to the original Contact field this source will import into the CDP.

For example, importing the status field from an E-goi Contact might result in egoi.account123.list321.status, if the API key used belongs to the E-goi account 123 and the user submitted 321 as the List to import.

The following describes the fields that are consumed from the E-goi Contacts and how they are mapped into User Attributes:

E-goi Contact FieldCDP User ID or AttributeDescription
contact_idUser ID: Internal E-goi User ID TypeThe contact_id field is mapped into an internal user ID type whose main purpose is to be used by the E-goi Destination
emailUser ID: Email SHA256The E-goi plain-text email field, if available, hashed and mapped to a SHA256 User ID
statusAttribute: egoi.account<ACCOUNT-ID>.list<LIST-ID>.statusThe Contact status
consentAttribute: egoi.account<ACCOUNT-ID>.list<LIST-ID>.consentThe Contact consent
email_statusAttribute: egoi.account<ACCOUNT-ID>.list<LIST-ID>.emailStatusThe Contact email status, if an email is available
cellphone_statusAttribute: egoi.account<ACCOUNT-ID>.list<LIST-ID>.cellphoneStatusThe Contact cellphone status, if a cellphone is available
phone_statusAttribute: egoi.account<ACCOUNT-ID>.list<LIST-ID>.phoneStatusThe Contact phone status, if a phone is available

Please refer to E-goi Contact API documentation for more information about the existing Contact fields and their possible values.